Winsor & Newton 75ml Granulation Medium
€10.25 €9.25 €1.00 (10%)
Granulation Medium gives a mottled or granular appearance to colours which usually give a smooth wash, such as Winsor Red or Winsor Blue. By adding Granulation Medium to colours that already granulate, such as Viridian or French Ultramarine, the effect is further enhanced.
In which techniques should Granulation Medium be used?
This medium is useful in all water colour techniques including landscape, seascape or figurative work. Granulation is popular wherever you want to add interest or dimension to otherwise flat areas.
How is it used?
For maximum effect, dilute water colours with medium alone. By diluting the colour further with water, a variety of results can be achieved. Granulation Medium is resoluble simply by re-wetting.
Granulation is also greatly affected by different water colour papers. For maximum granulation use Rough and for less granulation use a Cold Pressed/Not surface.
Quote product reference: O00157