
Book Painting Skies In Watercolour

SKU: B09219



The ultimate, accessible, no-nonsense guide to painting watercolor skies

There are some areas of watercolor painting that beginners often have trouble with, and one of these is skies. In Stephen?s characteristic style, he approaches the subject in a no-fuss, technique-led way that aims to demystify sky painting so that you, the novice watercolorist will be able to approach it with confidence.

Beginning with advice on key tools and materials, how to prepare your palette and achieve the right consistency of paint, Stephen takes you through seven common skies, ordered by difficulty: from simple plain blue skies and white cloudy skies to sunsets and storms. Every sky includes invaluable guidance on how to plan your sky, dozens of handy tips and clear step-by-step instructions and numerous examples.

This is an essential book for watercolur artists starting out, as well as the more experienced looking to hone their landscape painting skills.
Author: Stephen Coates
Format: BC Paperback
Pages: 285
Size: 216x280mm
Illustrations: 285

Quote product reference: B09219


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